Parish Council

Volunteers to Cut Greens & Verges in Shorne

Greens & Verges in Shorne – Any Volunteers?

The greens and verges in the village of Shorne are maintained on our behalf by Kent County Council.  They cut the grass around 6 times a year, at roughly monthly intervals during the growing season between March and October.  This means that they can get quite overgrown at times, especially in May and June.

The exceptions to this are where bulbs are planted.  They do not cut these areas at all until the plants have died back in June, by which time the grass would get very overgrown.  The greens in question are at the Old Post Office on the corner of Crown Lane, at Chestnut Green in The Ridgeway, and on both sides of the lower part of Tanyard Hill and at the junction with Swillers Lane.  To avoid this, Shorne Parish Council employs a contractor to carry out supplementary cuts to these verges between March and May, avoiding the flowers.

If anyone would like to volunteer to tend one or more of the greens and verges in Shorne, let us know by emailing or give Bob Lane a call on 01474 822680.