Parish Council

20 mph Zone Consultation Report

Shorne Parish Council has now carried out an ‘informal’ consultation on our proposals for a 20 mph zone through the centre of Shorne, from a point in Tanyard Hill just south of Court Lodge, to point in Forge Lane just north of Malthouse Lane, to include all roads and cul-de-sacs leading off.  It also proposes creating a 30 mph speed limit in Mill Hill Lane, to act as a buffer zone between the national speed limit in Shorne Ifield Road and the 20 mph zone in Crown Lane.  A map showing the proposed extent of the speed restrictions is attached below, as is a summary of the responses received. Hard copies of the consultation documentation were delivered to all households located within the proposed 20 mph zone and the 30 mph buffer zone (a total of 221 properties) plus a further 13 households just outside the limits of the zone.  In addition, the consultation was publicised in the parish magazine, on the village notice boards, and on local social media, with links to the consultation page on the parish council website at  The consultation ran for an 8-week period from 10th June to 31st July 2022. The proposals received very strong support.  The results can be briefly summarised as follows: . . . . . . . . . . Question 1 asked:  Do you agree with Shorne Parish Council’s proposal to establish a 20 mph zone through the centre of Shorne Village, to include all the roads leading from The Street and Forge Lane? A total of 43 responses were received.  41 respondents (95%) agreed or strongly agreed with the proposal.  2 respondents disagreed. . . . . . . . . . . Question 2 asked:  Do you agree with Shorne Parish Council’s proposed location of the … Read more